The quantities are staggering, 493 concrete manholes, 43 miles of gravity sewer, 450 sewer service connections, and 15 duplex lift stations. Over the course of two years, Carstensen Contracting installed the above quantities through the rolling hills and forested areas of Southeastern Missouri for the Cape Girardeau County Reorganized Sewer District.
The Cape Girardeau Sewer District had been designing this project for several years. With a goal of connecting multiple individual and subdivision developmental sewer systems into a combined collection and treatment infrastructure, project engineers Strickland Engineering and Horner Shifrin designed a complex series of gravity lines and lift stations spanning a large portion of the county.
With this project, CCI was able to keep numerous crews busy through the winter months in the relatively warmer climate of southern Missouri. Close coordination with suppliers and the hundreds of homeowners and landowners was neccesary to keep the project moving forward and minimize disruptions to local residents. Areas of rock, timber, steep grades, and close quarters in residential back yards challenged Carstensen crews daily. Strategic planning and quality communication allowed CCI crews to complete the project on time and with a quality final product that all parties can be proud of.