10 Miles of 72″ Steel Pipe
Carstensen Contracting, Inc. (CCI) is excited to announce its recent award of a 10 Mile segment of 72” Steel pipe as part of the Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP) near Carrington, ND. Construction is slated for the Spring of 2024 and will continue until Fall of 2026. In conjunction with the 72” pipe, other work includes installation/activation of impressed current corrosion protection systems and multiple 96” Cased (72” Carrier) bores & appurtenance vaults.
The RRVWSP was authorized in 2000 as part of a Federal Project with multiple goals in mind spanning from providing quality drinking water to drought mitigation for the Red River Valley. The project looks to bring water from the Missouri River near the McClusky Canal in Central ND, to the Sheyenne River along Hwy 200 in Central ND. Construction for the full alignment (125 Miles) is estimated to be completed near 2030.
The 72” pipe will provide water at a rate of 165 cfs (Cubic Feet Per Second) or 1,234 Gallons of Water per second flowing at any one particular point in the line.
For More Information Go To : http://www.rrvwsp.com/about/